Steps to take care when working in OWB
Make a copy of the map before you make any changes and rename the copy to end with _OLD, _ORIG anything that identifies your map. Important If you rename the original map you will have to go into the process flow and point it to the new map as this association doesn’t change because of a name change. By renaming the copy you don’t lose this association.
Make a copy of the map before you make any changes and rename the copy to end with _OLD, _ORIG anything that identifies your map. Important If you rename the original map you will have to go into the process flow and point it to the new map as this association doesn’t change because of a name change. By renaming the copy you don’t lose this association.
After you copy and paste any object you should save and exit the owb client. We have seen issues with maps getting corrupted if not exited after pasting.
After changes are complete, save and then deploy the map. Fix any errors or warnings given during deployment. You can ignore “VLD-1119: Unable to generate Multi-table Insert statement for some or all targets.” Warning
Test both map and process flow where that map is used for all changes, changes to a map, or sychronization issues can cause the process flow to error.
Table changes neeed to be done carefully and the impact tool needs to be used to determine where that table is used. Each place that table is used you must go into that map and synchronize the table, this updates the changes to the map. not doing this step causes errors when map is run. Some changes will require more than just synchronization. You will see warnings during deployment if the column you updated requires more changes.
In General, make sure you check all places that an object is used when you make any change.
When you delete an object, make sure you uncheck the move to recycle bin option on the delete confirmation dialog box. This leaves a link between the deleted objects and the objects that it’s used in. This link causes mdl sizes to grow.
Before you export the mdl, Delete the copy you made when you started the changes, this deletes any links to that map and keeps the mdl size down.
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